Public Blockchain Vs. Private Blockchain

June 18, 2021

Welcome to our comparison of public blockchain versus private blockchain. If you're familiar with cryptocurrencies, you may have heard these terms before, but what's the difference? In this blog post, we'll provide an unbiased comparison and give an overview of each type of blockchain.

What is a blockchain?

A blockchain is a decentralized and distributed digital ledger that is used to record transactions across many computers so that the record cannot be altered retroactively without the alteration of all subsequent blocks and the consensus of the network. Essentially, it's a permanent, tamper-proof database that can be used to store valuable information like financial transactions.

Public Blockchain

Public blockchain is a type of blockchain that is open to anyone who wants to join. It is used to record transactions and keep a ledger of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. Public blockchains are maintained by a decentralized network of users, and anyone can be a part of that network.

One of the benefits of using a public blockchain is its transparency. Anyone can view the transaction history and the current state of the network. Additionally, because the network is decentralized, there is no central point of failure, making it difficult for the network to be hacked or taken down.

However, there are also some disadvantages to using a public blockchain. Due to its open nature, anyone can participate in the network. This can lead to scalability issues and transaction slowdowns during peak times. Furthermore, because the network is public, transactions are not entirely anonymous, and privacy is compromised.

Private Blockchain

A private blockchain, on the other hand, is a closed system that is only accessible to authorized participants. It's often used by enterprises for secure and private transactions. In a private blockchain, the network is not open to the public, and participants are often required to prove their identity before they can join.

One of the advantages of using a private blockchain is its enhanced privacy and security. Only authorized users can participate in the network, and transactions are kept confidential from the public. Additionally, because the network is not open to the public, it's often faster and more scalable than a public blockchain.

However, there are also some disadvantages to using a private blockchain. Private blockchains are centralized, and their security depends on the integrity of the centralized authority. Furthermore, because it's not as transparent as a public blockchain, auditing a private blockchain can be more difficult.

Public Blockchain Vs. Private Blockchain: A Comparison

Feature Public Blockchain Private Blockchain
Access Open Closed
Transparency High Low
Privacy Low High
Decentralization High Low
Scalability Low High
Security High Low

As the table above shows, public blockchain and private blockchain have different characteristics that may be more suitable for different use cases. Public blockchain is more decentralized and transparent, but it may not be as scalable or private. Private blockchain is more secure and private, but it's also more centralized and not as transparent.


In conclusion, both public blockchain and private blockchain have their advantages and disadvantages. It's important to choose the type of blockchain that best fits your use case. Public blockchain may be more suitable for transactions that require transparency, while private blockchain may be more suitable for transactions that require privacy and security.

We hope this comparison has been helpful. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.


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